[On Going] How to Remove .SCR Virus from My Computer

Artikel ini tersedia dalam dua bahasa (Indonesia dan Inggris (bawah)) <This article available on two languages (Indonesia and English (below))>

Dari mana asalnya virus scr?
Virus scr bersumber dari script yang menyebarkan virus Trojan.
Virus scr biasanya menyisip pada file dengan extensi ZIP, screen savers, dan file executable.
Bagaimana Cara Mengatasi?
Berikut adalah beberapa cara untuk menghilangkan virus .scr:

  1. boot komputer di safe mode. caranya dengan menekan tombol F8 saat booting (NOTE: sebelum muncul logo Win).
  2. Saat anda sudah berada di safe mode, masuk ke C:\WINDOWS\system
  3. Carilah file dengan nama “WINLODR.SCR” dan delete secara permanen.
  4. Restart komputer anda dengan normal mode seperti yang sudah sering anda lakukan.

=======<English Translation>=======

Wheres this virus comes from
The SCR file sort is mainly linked with “script” which is began to be worn to broadcast a Trojan.
The SCR virus typically arrives all along with the ZIP files (with double extension), screen savers, an executable file etc.
How to Remove it?
Heres a ways to delete the .scr virus

  1. Boot your computer in safe mode. This can be done by pressing F8 while it is booting.
  2. Once started in safe mode, go to C:\WINDOWS\system (Here I assume you have installed your windows OS in C drive, may need to change otherwise)
  3. Locate the file named “WINLODR.SCR” and delete it permanently.
  4. Restart your computer in normal mode ie as you usually do.

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